CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems | |
Digital twin framework and its application to power grid online analysis | |
Jianfeng Yan1  Mike Zhou1  Donghao Feng2  | |
[1] China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100085, China;Kedong Electric Power Control System Co., Ltd., Beijing China; | |
关键词: Complex event processing; digital twin; inmemory computing; machine learning; neural network model; parallel computing; | |
DOI : 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2018.01460 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Digital twin (DT) framework is introduced in the context of application for power grid online analysis. In the development process of a new power grid real-time online analysis system, an online analysis digital twin (OADT) has been implemented to realize the new online analysis architecture. The OADT approach is presented and its prominent features are discussed. The presentation, discussion, and performance testing are based on a large-scale grid network model (40K+ buses), exported directly from the EMS system of an actual power grid. A plan to apply the OADT approach to digitize power grid dispatching rules is also outlined.
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