Aesthetic Investigations
The Experimental Art of Noel Harding: At the Intersection of Nature and Technology
Antonia Jan Dapena-Tretter1 
[1] The Walt Disney Family Museum;
关键词: public art;    nature;    technology;    function;    sustainability;   
DOI  :  10.5281/zenodo.4118770
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Until his death in 2016, artist Noel Harding demonstrated continual growth from fairly traditional art objects to large-scale, public sculptures bordering on urban planning. Detailing three major works, this article reveals the artist's conscious move away from art contained within galleries to open-air installations created with environmental stewardship in mind. Projects from Harding's final years affected real change in the community through ongoing audience participation and the actions of many. By uniting the community together with technological and natural forces, Harding's practice ultimately demonstrated that an ecological focus is possible without shunning modernity.

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