BMC Medicine
Patterns of care and outcomes of patients with METAstatic soft tissue SARComa in a real-life setting: the METASARC observational study
Antoine Giraud1  Carine Bellera1  Marion Savina1  Jean-Yves Blay2  Isabelle Ray-Coquard2  Maud Toulmonde3  Sophie Cousin3  Antoine Italiano3  Olivier Mir4  Axel Le Cesne4  Dominique Ranchere-Vince5  François Le Loarer6  Philippe Terrier7  Marie-Pierre Sunyach8  Paul Sargos9  Cécile Le Péchoux1,10  Pierre Meeus1,11  Eberhard Stoeckle1,12  Charles Honoré1,13 
[1]Clinical and Epidemiological Research Unit, Institut Bergonié
[2]Department of Medicine, Centre Leon Berard
[3]Department of Medicine, Institut Bergonié
[4]Department of Medicine, Institut Gustave Roussy
[5]Department of Pathology, Centre Leon Berard
[6]Department of Pathology, Institut Bergonié
[7]Department of Pathology, Institut Gustave Roussy
[8]Department of Radiotherapy, Centre Leon Berard
[9]Department of Radiotherapy, Institut Bergonié
[10]Department of Radiotherapy, Institut Gustave Roussy
[11]Department of Surgery, Centre Leon Berard
[12]Department of Surgery, Institut Bergonié
[13]Department of Surgery, Institut Gustave Roussy
关键词: Sarcoma;    Metastases;    Outcome;    Patterns of care;    Chemotherapy;    Surgery;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12916-017-0831-7
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background Well-designed observational studies of individuals with rare tumors are needed to improve patient care, clinical investigations, and the education of healthcare professionals. Methods The patterns of care, outcomes, and prognostic factors of a cohort of 2225 patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcomas who were diagnosed between 1990 and 2013 and documented in the prospectively maintained database of the French Sarcoma Group were analyzed. Results The median number of systemic treatments was 3 (range, 1–6); 27% of the patients did not receive any systemic treatment and 1054 (49%) patients underwent locoregional treatment of the metastasis. Half of the patients who underwent chemotherapy (n = 810) received an off-label drug. Leiomyosarcoma was associated with a significantly better outcome than the other histological subtypes. With the exception of leiomyosarcomas, the benefit of a greater than third-line regimen was very limited, with a median time to next treatment (TNT) and overall survival (OS) ranging between 2.3 and 3.7 months and 5.4 and 8.5 months, respectively. The TNT was highly correlated with OS. Female sex, leiomyosarcoma histology, locoregional treatment of metastases, inclusion in a clinical trial, and treatment with first-line polychemotherapy were significantly associated with improved OS in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions The combination of doxorubicin with a second drug, such as ifosfamide, represents a valid option, particularly when tumor shrinkage is expected to provide clinical benefits. After failure of the second-line therapy, best supportive care should be considered, particularly in patients with non-leiomyosarcoma histology who are not eligible to participate in a clinical trial. Locoregional treatment of metastasis should always be included in the therapeutic strategy when feasible. TNT may represent a useful surrogate endpoint for OS in clinical studies.
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