International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology
Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation Trends Observed at Some Selected Districts of Punjab, Pakistan
Safdar Ali Shirazi, Anum Liaqat, Khadija Shakrullah1 
[1]Department of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Department of Geography, Forman Christian College (A Charted University),Lahore, Pakistan
关键词: rclimdex;    climate change;    climate indices;    climate trends;    punjab;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Presentstudyexaminesthetrendsofextremedailytemperatureandrainfallindicesinsomeselected meteorological stations/districts of the Punjab. Due to paucity of data only six weather stations wereselected from the wholePunjab,havingdataof33yearsfortemperatureandprecipitationondailybasis.Asetof14indices (recommendedbyclimateET)wereusedtocalculatethetrendsoveraperiodof32years(1985–2017)byusing RClimDex(1.0)softwarepackage.Theseresultsshowedthatthenumberoftropicalnights(TR20)andwarmnights (TN90p) has been increasing in selected weather stations/districts and number for cool nights (TN10p) has been falling. Other temperature related indices trends such as, summer days, warms days, warm spell duration indicator (WSDI) and cool spell duration (CSDI) shows a mix pattern. The precipitation indices like SDII, RX1day, R10mm and PRCPTOT showed an increasing trend in some selected stations. Most of the trends were not significant at level of 0.05 % while maximum day temperature increase has been observed at five out of six selected stations. Similarly, an average increase inprecipitationinthevicinityof3mmperdecadehasbeennoted.Theannualtotalrainfallandnumberofheavy rainfalldayshasalsoincreasedby18mmand8.4mmrespectivelyduringeachdecade.Theanalysisidentifiedand highlightedaslightchangewhichwasnottemporallyandspatiallyrational.However,thereisneedtomoreand adequateyearlydataofdifferentweatherstationsacrossthePunjabtoidentifytheongoingapparentandimpeccable changes in climate of the Punjab province.
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