The Pan African Medical Journal
Post-operative rehabilitation in a traumatic rare radial nerve palsy managed with tendon transfers: a case report
Lynda Chikhi1  Houria Boukhelal2  Houda Boudiaf2  Nassiba Ould Rouis2  Khedaoudj Ezziane2  Radja Arous2  Hanifa Benchabane2  Meriem Himrane2  Saliha Hakem2 
[1] Department of Blood Transfusion and Hemobiology, University Hospital of Mustapha Pacha, Algiers, Algeria;Department of Pediatric Oncology, University Hospital of Mustapha Pacha, Algiers, Algeria;
关键词: rehabilitation;    radial nerve palsy;    tendon transfer;    physiotherapy;   
DOI  :  10.11604/pamj.2020.36.141.23994
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Radial nerve is a frequently injured nerve. Radial nerve palsy result from direct trauma, neuropathies, and fracture over the humerus, malignant tumor and neuritis. A case of 26-year male is presented in this report who had a road traffic accident resulting in injury over the right shoulder, wrist joint and diagnosed of radial nerve palsy, consequently was operated with soft tissue reconstruction with tendon transfers which resulted into pain over wrist joint and loss of extensors muscle function of the wrist joint, which led to difficulty in performing activities of daily living. Surgical history and rehabilitation is mentioned in the case report. We report that there were significant improvements in muscle strength, range of motion, relief from pain, and exceptional improvements in the patient’s functional independence with physiotherapy interventions post-operative tendon transfers.

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