International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | |
Estimate of radon exposure in geothermal SPAs in Poland | |
关键词: Poland; occupational exposure; worker; radon; ionizing radiation; spa visitor; | |
DOI : 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.00404 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Objectives: Geothermal waters may contain soluble, radioactive radon gas. Spa facilities that use geothermal water may be a source of an increased radiation dose to people who stay there. It has been necessary to assess the exposure to radon among people: workers and visitors of spa centers that use geothermal waters. Material and Methods: In 2013, workers of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine measured concentrations of radon over the geothermal water surfaces in 9 selected Polish spa centers which use geothermal water for recreational and medicinal purposes. The measurements were performed by active dosimetry using Lucas scintillation cells. Results: According to our research, the doses received by the personnel in Polish geothermal spas are < 0.6 mSv/year. In 1 of the investigated spas, the estimated annual dose to the staff may exceed 3 mSv/year. Conclusions: In Polish geothermal spas, neither the workers nor the visitors are at risk of receiving doses that exceed the safe limits.
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