Administrative Sciences
Digital Society Incubator: Combining Exponential Technology and Human Potential to Build Resilient Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Alessandro Margherita1  Gianluca Elia1  Enrico Ciavolino2  Karim Moustaghfir3 
[1]Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, 73100 Lecce, Italy
[2]Department of History, Society and Human Studies, University of Salento, 73100 Lecce, Italy
[3]School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane 53000, Morocco
关键词: digital ecosystem;    digital society;    entrepreneurial ecosystems;    exponential technology;    human capital;    incubator;   
DOI  :  10.3390/admsci11030096
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Although exponential technologies promise to bring unprecedented value at the socio-economic and policy levels, the social acceptability and preparedness for the technological “singularity” should be carefully considered. In particular, whereas digital innovation is able to drive an extraordinary development of entrepreneurial ventures, a number of challenging issues and the ongoing pandemic crisis have increased the need to investigate how technological breakthrough and human capital can be effectively combined in order to build resilient socio-technical and entrepreneurial ecosystems. This paper offers a synopsis of the major investigation areas and a reflection on the themes associated with the emergence of a digital society and the affirmation of digital entrepreneurship ecosystems. The research process follows a systematic literature review and a conceptual development approach aimed to introduce both the concept and a model of the digital society “incubator”. The proposed model identifies the actors, values, flows, and processes that are required to support the construction of a resilient entrepreneurial ecosystem. In this perspective, the study proposes a new focus by hybridizing and integrating both entrepreneurial and technology-related dimensions into a single unifying model. The study also lays the groundwork for further studies aimed at identifying the environmental and institutional factors required to support a smooth and effective transition towards a resilient entrepreneurial and technology-driven society.
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