A Novel βSA Ensemble Model for Forecasting the Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in the US
Ming-Hung Shih1  Min-Jui Yang2  Ting-Wei Wu2  Dong-Her Shih2  David C. Yen3 
[1]Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, 2520 Osborn Drive, Ames, IA 50011, USA
[2]Department of Information Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu 64002, Taiwan
[3]Jesse H. Jones School of Business, Texas Southern University, 3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, TX 77004, USA
关键词: COVID-19;    time-series;    α-Sutte indicator;    ensemble model;    forecasting;   
DOI  :  10.3390/math10050824
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In December 2019, Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (SARS-CoV-2)–the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)– appeared for the first time, breaking out in Wuhan, China, and the epidemic spread quickly to the world in a very short period time. According to WHO data, ten million people have been infected, and more than one million people have died; moreover, the economy has also been severely hit. In an outbreak of an epidemic, people are concerned about the final number of infections. Therefore, effectively predicting the number of confirmed cases in the future can provide a reference for decision-makers to make decisions and avoid the spread of deadly epidemics. In recent years, the α-Sutte indicator method is an excellent predictor in short-term forecasting; however, the α-Sutte indicator uses fixed static weights. In this study, by adding an error-based dynamic weighting method, a novel β-Sutte indicator is proposed. Combined with ARIMA as an ensemble model (βSA), the forecasting of the future COVID-19 daily cumulative number of cases and the number of new cases in the US are evaluated from the experiment. The experimental results show that the forecasting accuracy of βSA proposed in this study is better than other methods in forecasting with metrics MAPE and RMSE. It proves the feasibility of adding error-based dynamic weights in the β-Sutte indicator in the area of forecasting.
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