Language learning in tandem: an innovative tool for traditional English learning
Edi Marli da Silva Nunes1  Wiliam César Ramos2 
[1] FUNEC - Santa Fé do Sul;UNEMAT - Alto Araguaia;
关键词: aprendizagem in-tandem;    novas tecnologias;    aprendizagem de línguas;    escola pública;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

New technologies have established a new background for traditional education. Among them are the computer and the Internet which can help improve second language learning. The tandem language learning environment is part of this new context. The objective of this work is to demonstrate that tandem learning can complement traditional language classes. In order to do that we analyzed three tandem sessions performed at a distance through the chat software MSN Messenger between a Brazilian and a Mexican participant. The analysis was based on descriptions of tandem language learning. The results show that this learning environment can improve foreign language learning in traditional high school classes.

【 授权许可】


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