Improved MQTT Secure Transmission Flags in Smart Homes
Asmaa Munshi1 
[1]College of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Jeddah, Jeddah 21959, Saudi Arabia
关键词: smart home;    secure MQTT protocol;    Internet of Things;    bi-directional transmission;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s22062174
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the current era of smart homes and smart grids, complex technical systems that allow for the automation of domestic functions are rapidly growing and becoming more widely available. A wide range of technologies and software applications are now available for use in smart homes, and many of them are free to use. They allow for communication between home appliances and their users, as well as the automation, monitoring, and remote-control capabilities of home appliances themselves. Unfortunately, a lot of previous research ignored security issues involving the great attention to detail of the data in a transmission session within the devices in smart home architectures, which is why this study proposed smart grid secured transmission flags suitable for preventing every bit of data transmission in a smart home. Secure Message Queueing Transport Protocol (MQTT) in Internet of Things (IoT) Smart Homes protocols was utilized; an experimental testbed was designed with a prototype involving the process of a smart home system and the sequences of the data transmission. The evaluation of the proposed strategies has shown an improved bi-directional secure resource constraint strategy for the smart home within data packet transmission at 70 to 80 mbps over secure MQTT. A number of concerns, including technological barriers, difficulties, challenges, and future trends, as well as the role of users, have been presented in this study, among others.
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