Вестник Научно-исследовательского института железнодорожного транспорта
Classification of Innovations on Railway Transport and the Role of Investments in Their Implementation
A. V. Izmaikova1 
[1]JSC Railway Research Institute (JSC VNIIZhT)
关键词: innovation theory;    innovation;    novation;    macroinvention;    microinvention;    innovation activities;    subversive and supporting innovative technologies;    epoch-making innovations;    baseline innovations;    synergetic innovations;    improving innovations;    microinnovations;    pseudoinnovations;    classification;    multifunctional innovation classificatory;    investments;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Transport proves to be one of the most important industries intended to ensure dynamic development of the national economy. Evolution of railway transport in the modern trends context of economic development on national and world basis needs to be supported with innovation theory researches now regarded among the most useful for the railway industry. Innovation management challenges (and in particular methodological and definitions issues) as applied to railway transport come into key importance. Analysis of various enucleation approaches to innovations has shown that innovation object may be considered about and studied in different ways depending on the selected criteria. The studies make emphasis on the innovation classi-fication problem. The present paper proposes innovations classification in the area of railway transport. This classification version is based on the universal categories and links. It specifies and systematizes definitions, links up various sort innovations, inventions and novations and spins off into a separate category innovations corresponding to modern trends in the scientific and technical development. Application of the newly developed classification allowed for tangible explication and development of the multifunctional innovation classificatory, linking up the rates of innovation and investment activities, which is most significantly at the moment when the task of coping with economic ‘turbulence’/stagnation and obtaining the correct path of dynamic economic growth becomes imperative. Such a classificatory clarifies the dependence between innovations and investments in the macroeconomic environment and can be employed to justify stepping up the JSC RZD innovation and investment strategy.
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