Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Study of neutron energy and directional distribution at the Beloyarsk NPP selected workplaces
Evgeniy Nazarov1  Aleksey Vasilyev2  Anton Pudovkin3  Aleksey Ekidin3  Mariia Pyshkina3  Vitaly Nikitenko3 
[1] Corresponding author.;Ural Federal University, Russian Federation;Institute of Industrial Ecology, Russian Federation;
关键词: Energy and directional distribution;    Neutrons;    Site-specific correction factors;    Fast breeder reactor;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Energy and directional distribution of neutrons at the Beloyarsk NPP workplaces is a subject of this study. Measurements of H∗(10) rate and neutron energy distribution were taken at 8 workplaces, which can be divided into three categories: work with spent or fresh nuclear fuel, work with radionuclide neutron sources, work at the rooms adjusted to reactors. The Hp(10) measurements were performed only at 6 out of 8 locations, due to the fact that long term placing of an effective neutron moderator in fresh nuclear fuel storage facility is forbidden. As a result of the research energy and direction distribution of the neutron fields at 8 locations of the Beloyarsk NPP workplaces was obtained. To estimate the accuracy of the H∗(10) rate and Hp (10) measurements the reference values of dose equivalents were calculated using energy and directional distribution. To take into account the difference between the reference values and the measured results site-specific correction factors were calculated.

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