PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies
Tempe as Language: An Indonesian Village Revitalisation Mini-project
Kirsten Bradley1 
[1] Milkwood;
关键词: Indonesia;    design;    tempe bunguk;    preserving;    fermenting;    permaculture;   
DOI  :  10.5130/portal.v13i2.5066
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In Kandangan, a village in the Temmanggung Regency (Kabupaten Temanggung) in the Province of Central Java, tempe bunguk used to be a daily food—using locally grown bunguk beans—and made in many households. But imported blocks of tempe from China made with industrially grown soy beans have slowly crept in and replaced it. As part of her food skills mapping (a part of the Spedagi Project), Francisca Callista (Siska) went searching for what used to be eaten in her village, and for those who could remember how to make it.

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