Revista Katálysis
The Promise of Equality under Democracy Continues to be a Question for Women
Eucaris Olaya1 
[1] Universidad de la Salle - Bogotá - Colômbia;
关键词: igualdad;    desigualdad;    democracia;    movimiento de mujeres y feministas;    igualdade, desigualdade;    democracia;    movimento de mulheres e feministas;    equality;    inequality;    democracy;    women’s and feminist movement;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1414-49802010000100007
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article offers a critical reflection on the inequalities that women confront in situations considered democratic and plural. Nevertheless, it is necessary to question the “promise of political equality for women” in contexts controlled by the market economy, war and corruption, which are factors that impede the construction of democracy and citizenship. Throughout history, women have conducted a permanent debate with what is considered democracy, equality, citizenship and development. The social movement of women and feminists in Colombia presents various proposals for the construction of a true democracy that guarantees equality and complete rights of citizenship, in contrast to the logic of violence and war that confronts the country.

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