Taking into Consideration the Inclusion of Wind Generation in Hybrid Microgrids: A Methodology and a Case Study
Andreo Benech1  Natalia Bitenc2  Luis Arribas3 
[1] Autonomous Generation Department, National Administration of Power Plants and Electric Transmissions (UTE), Montevideo 2431, Uruguay;Engineering Department, Higher Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), 28012 Madrid, Spain;Renewable Energy Division, CIEMAT, 28040 Madrid, Spain;
关键词: design methodology;    WDPS;    microgrid;    small wind turbine;    wind data sources;    HOMER Pro;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en14144082
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

During the last decades, there has been great interest in the research community with respect to PV-Wind systems but figures show that, in practice, only PV-Diesel Power Systems (PVDPS) are being implemented. There are some barriers for the inclusion of wind generation in hybrid microgrids and some of them are economic barriers while others are technical barriers. This paper is focused on some of the identified technical barriers and presents a methodology to facilitate the inclusion of wind generation system in the design process in an affordable manner. An example of the application of this methodology and its results is shown through a case study. The case study is an existing PVDPS where there is an interest to incorporate wind generation in order to cope with a foreseen increase in the demand.

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