IEEE Access
Cloud Infrastructure Estimation and Auto-Scaling Using Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming-Based ANN
Shahzad Hassan1  Qazi Zia Ullah1  Gul Muhammad Khan2 
[1] Computer Engineering Department, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan;Electrical Engineering Department, NCAI, Peshawar University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan;
关键词: Artificial neural networks;    auto-scaling;    cartesian genetic programming;    energy efficiency;    evolutionary computation;    green computing;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2966678
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Use of cloud resources has increased with the increasing trend of organizations and governments towards cloud adaptation. This increase in cloud resource usage, leads to enormous amounts of energy consumption by cloud data center servers. Energy can be conserved in a cloud server by demand-based scaling of resources. But reactive scaling may lead to excessive scaling. That, in turn, results in enormous energy consumption by useless scale up and scale down. The scaling granularity can also result in excessive scaling of the resource. Without a proper mechanism for estimating cloud resource usage may lead to significant scaling overheads. To overcome, such inefficiencies, we present Cartesian genetic programming based neural network for resource estimation and a rule-based scaling system for IaaS cloud server. Our system consists of a resource monitor, a resource estimator and a scaling mechanism. The resource monitor takes resource utilizations and feeds to the estimator for efficient estimation of resources. The scaling system uses the resource estimator's output for scaling the resource with the granularity of a CPU core. The proposed method has been trained and tested with real traces of Bitbrains data center, producing promising results in real-time. It has shown better prediction accuracy and energy efficiency than predictive scaling systems from literature.

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