Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy
Pending EU Disputes in the WTO: Challenges to EU Energy Law and Policy
Tamara Perišin1 
[1] University of Zagreb;
关键词: energy;    wto;    eu;    biofuels;    renewable energy sources;    eu internal market;    anti-dumping duties;    eu energy law and policy;    environmental protection;    national security;   
DOI  :  10.3935/cyelp.10.2014.191
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the last several years, there has been a surprising number of energy-related disputes in the WTO. In seven such cases, the EU has taken the role of respondent. There are four different groups of these cases: the first are disputes concerning EU standards on biofuels and other renewable energy sources; the second are disputes on EU Member State measures implementing these EU standards on biofuels and renewables; the third are cases directed against internal market measures in the field of energy;andthefourthconcernEU anti-dumping duties. These disputes are vital, as they could affect the future of EU energy law and policy, with implications for the internal market, environmental protection and national security.

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