Codrul Cosminului
The Representation of Great Moravia and its Fall in Hungarian/Magyar Historiography during the Period of Dualism
Alica Kurhajcová1 
[1]“Matej Bel” University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
关键词: Great Moravia;    representations;    Hungarian/Magyar historiography;    Hungary;    age of dualism;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The interpretation of the issue of Great Moravia by Hungarian/Magyar historiography in the 19th century raises questions. First of all is the question of interest in the topic that became an integral and fixed part of the Slovak national narrative from the beginning of the formation of modern nationalism. The presentation of Great Moravia as the statehood of Slovaks existing before the Hungarian period as well as the cultivation of this tradition in the form of myth about the “Golden Age“ of Slovaks, demonstrated the ancientness, autochthony, historical continuity and equal status of Slovak nation within the boundaries of Hungary. These facts indicate rather expect no interest than some attention of Hungarian/Magyar historians in the interpretation of this phenomenon. However, as we can follow, their works about the early history of Hungarian/Magyar nation show the contrary. The issue raised in the introduction has become irrelevant. The article is focused on the question how the historical representation of Great Moravia and its fall are understood by the Hungarian/Magyar historians during the period of dualism. Parallel with this we ask them for coping with not own national tradition.
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