Cognitive Research
Serial dependence in the perceptual judgments of radiologists
Teresa Canas-Bajo1  Zhihang Ren1  William Prinzmetal1  David Whitney1  Cristina Ghirardo1  Mauro Manassi2 
[1] Department of Psychology, University of California;School of Psychology, King’s College, University of Aberdeen;
关键词: Serial dependence;    Visual search;    Radiological screening;    Priming;    Sequential effects;    Sequential dependence;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41235-021-00331-z
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In radiological screening, clinicians scan myriads of radiographs with the intent of recognizing and differentiating lesions. Even though they are trained experts, radiologists’ human search engines are not perfect: average daily error rates are estimated around 3–5%. A main underlying assumption in radiological screening is that visual search on a current radiograph occurs independently of previously seen radiographs. However, recent studies have shown that human perception is biased by previously seen stimuli; the bias in our visual system to misperceive current stimuli towards previous stimuli is called serial dependence. Here, we tested whether serial dependence impacts radiologists’ recognition of simulated lesions embedded in actual radiographs. We found that serial dependence affected radiologists’ recognition of simulated lesions; perception on an average trial was pulled 13% toward the 1-back stimulus. Simulated lesions were perceived as biased towards the those seen in the previous 1 or 2 radiographs. Similar results were found when testing lesion recognition in a group of untrained observers. Taken together, these results suggest that perceptual judgements of radiologists are affected by previous visual experience, and thus some of the diagnostic errors exhibited by radiologists may be caused by serial dependence from previously seen radiographs.

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