Vestnik RUDN International Relations
Comparative Analyses of the UAE and the IRI Investment Policy in African Countries
A K Voronkov1 
[1]Российский университет дружбы народов
关键词: инвестиционная политика;    стратегия диверсификации;    кластерный принцип;    инвестиционные модели;    туризм;    транспорт;    телекоммуникации;    информационные технологии;    строительство;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article focuses on comparative analyses of the investment policy of the UAE and the IRI in African countries in a context of foreign policy activities. The author examines the main approaches and methods practiced by the OAE and the IRI investment bodies for achieving success in Africa in various spheres of economy. The special attention is given to cluster principle of diversification strategy, which ensured the transformation of the OAE from a weakly developed country fully dependent on the export of oil into a state with a diversified economy.
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