Oil price shocks and stock market returns
关键词: Oil price;    Volatility;    Stock market;   
DOI  :  10.5267/j.ac.2016.2.005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

During the past few months, there has been a steady downside trend on oil price. From summer, 2015 to winter, 2016, the oil price has declined to the $20 range. Its rate of decline is amazing, having lost $10, one third of its value, in just one month. This paper presents a survey on recently published studies on relationship between oil price and stock market. The study covers several studies on the effects of oil price on China, India, Lebanon, United States and some other G7 stock markets. We also review the effects of oil price volatility on stock market. The results of most studies have indicated some strong relationships between oil price volatility and stock market return.

【 授权许可】


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