San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 2012: Participating in the Journey
Samuel N. Luoma1  Lauren D. Muscatine2 
[1]Editor-in-ChiefSan Francisco Estuary and Watershed ScienceJohn Muir Institute of the EnvironmentUniversity of California, Davis
[2]Managing EditorSan Francisco Estuary and Watershed ScienceJohn Muir Institute of the EnvironmentUniversity of California, Davis
关键词: scholarly publication;    open access;    publication milestones;    journal impact factor;    Ecology;    Hydrology;    Fisheries Biology;    Environmental Restoration;    Watershed Management;    Environmental Policy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
SFEWS has reached a number of milestones during the year 2012. In September, we received the 100,000th request for an article; an illustration of the sustained interest in the papers we are publishing.  Views and downloads in the last four months are tied for the highest ever for such a period. For the first time SFEWS published four issues in 2012 (instead of the usual three) thanks to the financial support of the Delta Stewardship Council and a dedicated team working with the Managing Editor. We feel we can maintain this rate of publication. Finally we continue our work toward expanding the visibility of SFEWS via websites, search engines, better tracking of our readership, participation in science conferences, and inexpensive advertising. As always, however, our major focus for the future is sustaining the integrity and high quality of our articles through a strong peer review process. We thank you for your support of SFEWS and wish the best to all for 2013.
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