Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences
Reimagining medical education: Part two – Practicing in an age of uncertainty and change
关键词: Change management;    medical education;    uncertainty;   
DOI  :  10.4103/amhs.amhs_47_19
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The practice of healthcare professionals is influenced by multiple circles and globally, these circles are drastically changing. These circles include national demographics, local needs, social accountability, public opinions/knowledge, pedagogy surrounding the training continuum, knowledge expansion (both in terms of the amount of knowledge itself and how readily the public can access it with technology – computer in a pocket aka smartphone/tablet) and social media forces. Currently, there are many forces at play within these circles; resulting in physician practice environments that are in a constant state of flux. In their previous article, Wooster and Maniate discussed these forces in detail. This article will expand on the influence of these forces on practicing physicians and the impact of uncertainty. The article will then address micro, meso, and macro level initiatives that can be taken to help physicians to manage uncertainty as well as providing support for trainees and practicing physicians alike. The article will conclude with a call for the development of a culture that is conducive to supporting physicians to deal with uncertainty and change that is inevitable.

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