Localization of Stereovision for Measuring In-Crash Toeboard Deformation
Wei Zhang1  Tomonari Furukawa1  Toru Hashimoto2  Azusa Nakata2 
[1] Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA;Monozukuri Center, Automobile Operations, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Haga-gun, Tochigi 321-3322, Japan;
关键词: toeboard deformation measurement;    localization;    recursive estimation;    crash test;    in-crash measurement;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s22082962
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a technique to localize a stereo camera for in-crash toeboard deformation measurement. The proposed technique designed a sensor suite to install not only the stereo camera but also initial measurement units (IMUs) and a camera for localizing purpose. The pose of the stereo camera is recursively estimated using the measurement of IMUs and the localization camera through an extended Kalman filter. The performance of the proposed approach was first investigated in a stepwise manner and then tested in controlled environments including an actual vehicle crash test, which had successfully resulted in measuring the toeboard deformation during a crash. With the oscillation motion in the occurrence of the crash captured, the deformation of the toeboard measured by stereo cameras can be described in a fixed coordinate system.

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