Docomomo Journal
Preservation and public housing in the United States
Theodore Prudon1 
[1] Columbia University ;
关键词: Modern Movement;    Modern architecture;    Modern housing;    Post-war housing;    Welfare architecture;    Mass housing;   
DOI  :  10.52200/65.A.08I5WHU3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Public housing is an important part of the heritage of the 20th century that deserves preservation, but is in danger of being demolished or unrecognizably altered. The United States, which saw the construction of such government sponsored projects, largely between 1930 and 1975, is no exception. In the last four decades government efforts have continued to shift towards financial incentives for private initiatives for design, construction and property management. This housing legacy, if being preserved, still needs to be improved so it can continue to serve as affordable housing in the 21st century.

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