Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection
Possibility of application nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow
Đekić Saška D.1  Kartalović Nenad M.2  Đekić Saša B.3  Nikezić Dušan P.4  Ramadani Uzahir R.4 
[1]Department of Laboratory Diagnostics "Health Center", Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
[2]Institute of Electrical Engineering “Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia
[3]Power utility of Republic of Srpska Elektro Doboj a.d., Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
[4]Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of thе Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
关键词: nuclear magnetic resonance;    flowmeter;    tritiated water;   
DOI  :  10.2298/NTRP210614017K
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The paper considers the application of nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow. The paper is of an experimental nature. Flowmeter based on nuclear magnetic resonance is extremely precise. The combined measurement uncertainty can be 0.1 %. Such a value of measurement uncertainty indicates that it is a matter of a deterministic and not of a stochastic quantity. This high degree of reliability of the method is theoretically and mathematically described. The paper presents a measurement scheme for flow measurement. Water flow measurement was performed on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance and on the basis of tritiated water (which is considered to be the most accurate classical method). The obtained results show that the measurement of flow based on nuclear magnetic resonance is more accurate (especially at higher flow). This is explained by the higher inertial mass of HTO tritiated water molecules than the standard H2 O mass and the possible transition of tritiated water to H3HeO. In this way, it has been proven that tracing water based on nuclear magnetic resonance is the only real tracing of water by water. The obtained results show that tracing water with tritiated or heavy water is not tracing water by water which is explained by different inertial masses.
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