Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал
Biomarkers content in blood serum of patients with osseous neoformations
关键词: differential diagnosis;    interleukin-6;    neopterine;    tumor necrosis factor-a;    tumors of bone;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of the study was the estimation of several biomarkers in differentiation diagnostics of tumour diseases in osseous system. Material and methods. 160 patients with benign (115) and malignant (45) osseous neoformations were investigated. Neopterine, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-а), interleukin-6, adhesion molecules of vessel endothe-lium (sVCAM-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels were identified by ELISA solid-phase test and compared with the levels of 20 apparently healthy individuals. Tumor verification was fulfilled by X-ray, CT, MRI and histomorphological essay. Results. Both benign and malignant osseous tumour patients showed increased levels of neopterine, TNF-а and interleukin-6 being more significant with malignant processes. The level of sVCAM was decreased in patients of both groups and VEGF level corresponded to the control, these indexes did not show any differences between the groups. The assessment of diagnostic value of these cytokines indicates that positive results for TNF and neopterine give the ground for the final diagnostic decision while the same results for interleukin-6 give moderate basement for diagnostic decision. Conclusion. Increased TNF-а and neopterine levels allow substantiating the difference between benign and malignant osseous tumours and improving diagnostic quality.

【 授权许可】


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