Известия ТИНРО
Supplements to quantitative assessments of zooplankton in the Far Eastern Seas and adjacent waters of the North Pacific
Vyacheslav P. Shuntov1  Igor V. Volvenko1 
[1] Тихоокеанский научно-исследовательский рыбохозяйственный центр;
关键词: зоопланктон;    плотность концентраций;    биомасса;    вертикальные миграции;    суточная;    сезонная и межгодовая изменчивость;    дальневосточные моря;    северная пацифика;    zooplankton;    abundance;    biomass;    vertical migration;    daily migration;    seasonal succession;    interannual change;    far eastern seas;    north pacific;   
DOI  :  10.26428/1606-9919-2017-191-130-146
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

An overview of published and new estimates of zooplankton density and biomass in the Far-Eastern Seas and North-West Pacific with their daily, seasonal and interannual dynamics is presented on the materials of numerous marine expeditions conducted by Pacific Fish. Res. Centre (TINRO) in the 1980-2010s. The mean annual concentration of zooplankton (103 ind./m3) in the epipelagic layer is amounted as 4.386 for the Bering Sea, 3.695 for the Okhotsk Sea, 6.842 for the Japan Sea, and 3.399 for the North-West Pacific, whereas its biomass (g/m3) - 1.079, 0.821, 0.626, and 0.800, respectively. Significant differences are shown for spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of the small-, medium- and large-sized zooplankton abundance and its daily vertical migrations in different areas. Zooplankton stocks in all these regions are evaluated as high; their bulks are formed by large-sized fraction. Interannual fluctuations of the zooplankton abundance could be considerable in certain areas, but its total resource within the Far Eastern basin does not change much: the abundance decline in some areas is compensated by its growth in other ones.

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