Measurement: Sensors
A new sampling-based four-terminal-pair digital impedance bridge
Marian Kampik1  Krzysztof Musioł2  Maciej Koszarny3 
[1] Silesian University of Technology (Department of Measurements, Electronics and Control), Gliwice, Poland;Corresponding author.;Silesian University of Technology (Department of Measurements, Electronics and Control), Gliwice, Poland;
关键词: Impedance comparison;    Digital bridge;    AC voltage Source;    AC coaxial Bridge;    Measurement standards;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes new realization of a sampling-based four-terminal-pair digital impedance bridge and test measurements performed with it. The bridge is based on a new two-channel high-stability digitally synthesized source and a commercial PXI synchronous sampling system. The bridge is capable of comparing any two impedances, regardless of type (R–C, R-L, or L-C), over a large frequency range (from 20 Hz to 20 kHz). Comparisons at 1 kHz and 1592 Hz in the impedance range from several hundred Ω to several kΩ give ratio errors at the level 10−6 for any kind of impedances, with potential for further improvements.

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