Journal of Lipid Research
Consequences of excessive glucosylsphingosine in glucocerebrosidase-deficient zebrafish.
Rolf G. Boot1  Annemarie H. Meijer2  Ernst H. Beijk2  Christian Tudorache2  Claire de Wit3  Johannes M.F.G. Aerts3  Lindsey T. Lelieveld3  Kimberley C. Zwiers3  Maria J. Ferraz3  Marta Artola3  Daniela Salvatori4  Saskia Maas4  Sophie Gerhardt4 
[1] Anatomy and Physiology, Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands;Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands;Medical Biochemistry, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands;Pathology Unit, Central Laboratory Animal Facility, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands;
关键词: Gaucher disease;    acid ceramidase;    lipid metabolism;    zebrafish;    glucosylceramide;    sphingolipids;   
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来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract: In Gaucher disease (GD), the deficiency of glucocerebrosidase causes lysosomal accumulation of glucosylceramide (GlcCer), which is partly converted by acid ceramidase to glucosylsphingosine (GlcSph) in the lysosome. Chronically elevated blood and tissue GlcSph is thought to contribute to symptoms in GD patients as well as to increased risk for Parkinson’s disease. On the other hand, formation of GlcSph may be beneficial since the water soluble sphingoid base is excreted via urine and bile. To study the role of excessive GlcSph formation during glucocerebrosidase deficiency, we studied zebrafish that have two orthologs of acid ceramidase, Asah1a and Asah1b. Only the latter is involved in the formation of GlcSph in glucocerebrosidase-deficient zebrafish as revealed by knockouts of Asah1a or Asah1b with glucocerebrosidase deficiency (either pharmacologically induced or genetic). Comparison of zebrafish with excessive GlcSph (gba1-/- fish) and without GlcSph (gba1-/-:asah1b-/- fish) allowed us to study the consequences of chronic high levels of GlcSph. Prevention of excessive GlcSph in gba1-/-:asah1b-/- fish did not restrict storage cells, GlcCer accumulation, or neuroinflammation. However, GD fish lacking excessive GlcSph show an ameliorated course of disease reflected by significantly increased lifespan, delayed locomotor abnormality, and delayed development of an abnormal curved back posture. The loss of tyrosine hydroxylase 1 (th1) mRNA, a marker of dopaminergic neurons, is slowed down in brain of GD fish lacking excessive GlcSph. In conclusion, in the zebrafish GD model, excess GlcSph has little impact on (neuro)inflammation or the presence of GlcCer-laden macrophages but rather seems harmful to th1-positive dopaminergic neurons.

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