International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Hypothalamic Microglial Heterogeneity and Signature under High Fat Diet–Induced Inflammation
CarlosPoblete Jara1  NatáliaFerreira Mendes1  ElianaPereira de Araújo1  ArianeMaria Zanesco2 
[1]Faculty of Nursing, University of Campinas, Campinas/SP 13083-887, Brazil
[2]Laboratory of Cell Signaling, Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center, University of Campinas, Campinas/SP 13083-864, Brazil
关键词: microglia;    gliosis;    hypothalamus;    high-fat diet;    obesity;    transcriptomic;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms22052256
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Under high-fat feeding, the hypothalamus atypically undergoes pro-inflammatory signaling activation. Recent data from transcriptomic analysis of microglia from rodents and humans has allowed the identification of several microglial subpopulations throughout the brain. Numerous studies have clarified the roles of these cells in hypothalamic inflammation, but how each microglial subset plays its functions upon inflammatory stimuli remains unexplored. Fortunately, these data unveiling microglial heterogeneity have triggered the development of novel experimental models for studying the roles and characteristics of each microglial subtype. In this review, we explore microglial heterogeneity in the hypothalamus and their crosstalk with astrocytes under high fat diet–induced inflammation. We present novel currently available ex vivo and in vivo experimental models that can be useful when designing a new research project in this field of study. Last, we examine the transcriptomic data already published to identify how the hypothalamic microglial signature changes upon short-term and prolonged high-fat feeding.
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