The concept of experience in Walter Benjamin: elements to think about education in childhood
Juliana Schumacker Lessa1 
[1] Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina;
关键词: infância;    experiência;    modernidade;    walter benjamin.;   
DOI  :  10.5007/1980-4512.2016v18n33p108
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article is the result of a theoretical study on the concept of experience, discussed, analyzed and re ected while conducting special seminar and a monthly study reunion in a research group. The discussions are situated in the core center of re ec- tion, about the experience of childhood in modernity in the interlocution with Walter Benjamin. Firstly the text is dedicated to  nd how the notion of experience is situated in the interior  eld of childhood education, with a particular emphasis on educative proposals. In a second instance, I present how childhood and history ideas are concei- ved in a materialistic and historic perspective of Benjamin, for a latter penetration into the re ection on the concept of experience of the author, considering the connection between childhood and the history notions in understanding this concept, especially, on the re ection about the experience in contemporary childhood.

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