Sensors & Transducers
Electrical and Gas Sensing Properties of SnO2 Thick Film Resistors Prepared by Screen-printing Method
[1] Department of Electronic Science and Physics, M. S. G. College Malegaon Camp. Malegaon, Dist-Nasik, Pin-423 105, (MS), India;
关键词: Thick film;    SnO2;    H2S gas;    Screen-printing technique;    Resistivity;    EDX;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Thick films of tin-oxide (SnO2) were deposited on alumina substrates employing screen-printing technique. The films were dried and fired at 680 0C for 30 minutes. The variation of D.C. resistance of thick films was measured in air as well as in H2S gas atmosphere as a function of temperature. The SnO2 films exhibit semiconducting behaviour. The SnO2 thick films studied were also showing decrease in resistance with increase of concentration of H2S gas. The film resistors showed the highest sensitivity to H2S gas at 350 0C. The XRD studies of the thick film indicate the presence of different phases of SnO2. The elemental analysis was confirmed by EDX spectra. The surface morphological study of the films was analyzed by SEM. The microstructure of the films was porous resulting from loosely interconnected small crystallites. The parameters such as grain size, activation energy, sensitivity and response time were described.

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