Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Pentasomy X Syndrome in Neonate: A Rare Disorder
Smarajit Maiti1  Anurita Pais2  Neeraja Koppaka3  Prashant Sanjay Jagtap4  Ushang Kate5 
[1] Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatologist, Bhagirathi Neotia Women and Child Care Centre, Newtown, Kolkata, India.;Head, Department of Cytogenetics, SRL Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.;Junior Cytogeneticist, Department of Cytogenetics, SRL Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.;Scientific Officer, Department of Cytogenetics, SRL Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.;Senior Cytogeneticist, Department of Cytogenetics, SRL Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.;
关键词: chromosomal analysis;    dysmorphism;    non-disjunction;    prenatal diagnosis;    short tandem repeats markers;   
DOI  :  10.7860/JCDR/2021/46365.14752
来源: DOAJ
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