Os princípios de verdade no Livro IV da Metafísicade Aristóteles
关键词: Aristotle;    Metaphysics;    Non-contradiction;    Principles;    Truth;    Third excluded;   
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来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article shows that the primary principle of the science of being as being, presented and defended by Aristotle in the Book IV of Metaphysics, is constituted by the necessary (modal) bi-conditional between the principles of non-contradiction and of third excluded, and not only, as in the traditional interpretation, by the former of these principles. Such is showed through a interpretation of one part of the chapter 3 and, specially, of three parts of the chapter 4 of this writing, where Aristotle is developing what he has called “demonstration by refutation”, which consists of indirect demonstration of the primary principle by means of refutation of the thesis that deny (in a strong way) this same principle. The interpretation presented in the article shows that on this logical procedure Aristotle is defending the principle of non-contradiction as far as the principle of third excluded, assuming both as equivalent formulations of the primary principle of the science of being as being.

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