KONA Powder and Particle Journal
The Effect of Silanisation on the Catalytic and Sorption Propertiesof Zeolites
K.P. Möller1  H. Manstein1  C.T. O’Connor1 
[1] Centre for Catalysis Research, Department of ChemicalEngineering, University of Cape Town;
关键词: zeolites;    silanisation;    catalysis;    sorption;   
DOI  :  10.14356/kona.2007020
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Silanising zeolites can result in significant beneficial changes to theircatalytic and sorptive properties. It is, however, necessary to carefullycontrol the reaction conditions when silanising a zeolite. Apart from thedifferent effects of using vapour or liquid deposition procedures and static orflow systems, the deposition temperature and the number ofsilanisation/calcination cycles are of great importance. By careful control ofthese conditions, it is possible to systematically modify the diffusionalproperties of the zeolite while at the same time inertizing the external surfaceacidity. The diffusional changes are more likely due to a blockage of poreentrances, resulting in a greater diffusion pathway, than to a controllednarrowing of the pore openings. By careful control of the number ofsilanisation/calcination cycles, it is possible to systematically change thediffusional properties. The amount of Si deposited/nm2 is a goodindicator of the process of silanisation. Silanised zeolites are able tosignificantly increase the yield of particular isomers as a result of thediffusional constraints.

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