Working Papers em Linguística
Prosodic phrasing of the sequence connector “aí” on spontaneous speech and reading
Vitor Gabriel Caldas1  Carolina Ribeiro Serra1 
[1] Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;
关键词: “Aí”;    Fraseamento prosódico;    Entoação;    Fala espontânea;    Leitura;   
DOI  :  10.5007/1984-8420.2019v20n1p93
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we analyze the prosodic phrasing of the sequence connector “aí” on spontaneous speech and reading of Brazilian Portuguese speakers from Rio de Janeiro. . The analysis is based on two phonological theories: the Prosodic Phonology and the Autosegmental Metrical Intonational Phonology and on the theory and methodology proposed by Experimental Acoustic Phonetics, using the software PRAAT. Results showed that: (i) the item is more frequently phrased integrated to its following IP, working as the first prosodic word of this domain, in its pre-nuclear position; (ii) the nuclear contour of the IP before “aí” typically presents the melodic movement of neutral declarative sentences in Portuguese /HL* L%/; (iii) the pitch accent more frequently associated to “aí” is /LH*/; (iv) when the form “aí” constitutes an independent IP, the high/rising boundary tone /(L)H%/ is more frequent, which characterizes the continuous contour in BP; and (v) pauses have a different behavior on spontaneous speech and reading.

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