Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
Notched multiaxial fatigue of Al7050-T7451:on the need for an equivalent process zone size
J.L.A Ferreira1  C.R.M da Silva1  J.A. Araújo2 
[1] Federal Institute of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil;University of Brasília, Brazil;
关键词: Multiaxial fatigue;    Notched fatigue;    stress gradient;    Process zone;    Critical distance;    Al 7050-T7451;   
DOI  :  10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.13
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this work is to investigate stress gradient effects on the fatigue life estimation of notched Al 7050-T7451 specimens under combined torsion and push-pull loading conditions. Initially, simple push-pull and torsion fatigue tests in plain and notched specimens were independently conducted not only to obtain the material properties necessary to calibrate a standard multiaxial critical plane based model, but also to raise the critical distance versus life curves in tension (L  – Nf) and in torsion (L  – Nf). This latter step also required a Finite Element Elastic Stress Analysis of the notched specimens tested in the medium high-cycle fatigue regime. Then, proportional multiaxial fatigue tests were carried out using this same notched geometry. The combination of a multiaxial model with the theory of critical distance (TCD) was applied to estimate fatigue lives. For this aluminium alloy, neither the use of the L  – Nf nor L  – Nf combined with the predictive multiaxial model was able to estimate lives in an accurate way.

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