Frontiers in Psychology
A Role of Production on E-Commerce and Foreign Policy Influencing One Belt One Road: Mediating Effects of International Relations and International Trade
Bei Liu1  Hanxiao Wang2 
[1] Business School, Gongqing College of Nanchang University, Nanchang, China;Business School, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Nanchang, China;
关键词: foreign policy;    international relations;    factors of production;    international trade;    e-commerce;    OBOR (One Belt One Road);   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2021.793383
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

One Road One Belt has made a drastic change not only to the lives of people but also to their minds and future prospective. This initiative has connected not only countries but has consolidated trading patterns. It has not only impacted physical trade but has also boosted the e-commerce of China. Therefore, this study has tried to find the major patterns of trading across the globe and digital commerce considering the factors of production. China, being the cheapest country for manufacturing, has excelled in the e-commerce as well. The targeted population for this study was contractors, marketers, logistic service providers, and engineers. The sample size in this study was 329. Data collection was done through a survey developed on the Likert scale. The software used for the data analysis was Smart-PLS for structural equation modeling. Findings of the study show that factors of production and international trade have an impact on e-commerce. Moreover, the foreign policy and international relations have also been found to have a significant role in e-commerce (digital entrepreneurship).

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