Mokslas: Lietuvos Ateitis
The Results Of Corelation Between Cone Tip Resistance, Push-In Pressure Load Cells And A Compression Device
Vaidas Martinkus1  Tautvydas Statkus1 
[1] Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas;
关键词: displacement pile, cone resistance, push-in pressure load cell, deformation modulus, sand, oedometer.;   
DOI  :  10.3846/573
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is aimed at identifying the correlation between soilcone resistance and soil deformation modules determined referringto the results of tested data on deep foundation bearingcapacity, the push-in pressure cell and the use of an oedometer.Physical and mechanical properties of soil have been determinedconducting laboratory and field tests. After regression analyses,the correlation between cone resistance and different kinds ofsoil deformation modules have been given. The results of theexperimental study can be used for predicting a practical approachto deep foundation in cohesionless soil.

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