Nutritional quality of dry food for adult dogs, commercialized in Rio Verde-GO.
关键词: animal nutrition;    food type;    nutritive value;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We evaluated the nutritional quality of dry food for adult dogs, checking whether the label information was in agreement with the law and with the analyses, and also whether the suggested intake reached the nutritional requirements of adult dogs. Eighteen samples of commercial feed, eight of the economical type and 10 of the premium type, were purchased and analyzed. Regarding the product descriptions, only 12.5 and 10% (moisture), 87.5 and 70% (CP), 25 and 20% (AHEE), 0 and 0% (MM), 12.5 and 40% (Ca) and 0 and 20% (P) of the economical and premium foods, respectively, were in conformity according to the label. Regarding the guarantee levels, most of the foods showed levels which were under the limits. The suggested daily average intake of premium food was 13.07% lower, CP and P intakes were 10 and 16.97% higher, and Ca and EM intakes were 16.27 and 11.15% lower compared to the suggested economical food intake. It was concluded that the dry food for adult dogs, sold in Rio Verde, has a good quality because it reaches the required limits, but there are deficiencies in the label information related to the guarantee levels, and there are excesses in the daily energy supply with the use of economical food.

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