Journal of Curriculum Studies Research
Preparing secondary teacher candidates to teach academic English
Stephanie Garrone-Shufran1 
[1]Merrimack College
关键词: academic language;    high school, teacher;    teacher education;    English language learners;   
DOI  :  10.46303/jcsr.2021.1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In this qualitative study, mainstream teacher candidates in a secondary teacher education program were asked to incorporate academic English instruction into their lesson planning and implementation in fieldwork placement classrooms. Teacher candidates attended a training session in which one method for identifying academic English features was taught. Artifacts, classroom observations, and interviews from four teacher candidates were analyzed to determine what features of academic English were identified and how these were taught to high school students. While all four teacher candidates accurately identified features of academic English in their lessons, only two participants taught features of academic English to students. The experiences of the participants illustrated that teacher candidates need, in addition to the ability to identify features of academic English, knowledge about how to teach language, a commitment to teaching language in their lessons, and the support of university supervisors and supervising practitioners who possess the same knowledge and commitment.
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