Defence Technology | |
Experimental research on blast power of fiber reinforced anti-hard target warhead | |
关键词: Carbon fiber composite; Effect of blasting; Experimental investigation; Low collateral damage; | |
DOI : 10.1016/j.dt.2017.04.002 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Fiber reinforced anti-hard-target warhead is a new-type sample munition, which is only designed based on theoretical analysis and numerical simulation in laboratory. This warhead consists of carbon composite casings and high explosive, which can greatly reduce the damage to objects outside the damage range. In order to evaluate its blasting damage effect on concrete target, the three types of charges were researched by means of experiment, which are bare charge, charge with carbon composite material shell and charge with steel shell. Experimental results show that the peak overpressure of charge with carbon fiber composite shell is higher than that of charge with steel shell, but is lower than that of bare charge in the case of the same TNT equivalence. No fragments and fragment effect exist for distant target under the condition of charge with carbon fiber composite shell. However, the experimental result of the charge with steel shell is completely contrary. According to the blast effect in the concrete target, the charge with carbon composite material shell is optimal in matched impedance and detonation propagation. Also, the effective energy produced by the detonation of explosive with carbon composite material shell is the largest.
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