California Agriculture
Understanding the seasonal and reproductive biology of olive fruit fly is critical to its management
Frank Zalom1  Hannah J. Burrack2  Joseph Connell3  Louise Ferguson4  Lynn Wunderlich5  Neil O'Connell6  Phil Phillips7  Paul Vossen8  Ray Bingham9  Richard Price1,10 
[1] F. G. Zalom is Professor of Entomology, UC Davis;H. J. Burrack is Assistant Professor of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh;J. H. Connell is Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Butte County;L. Ferguson is Professor of Plant Sciences, UC Davis;L. Wunderlich is Farm Advisor, UCCE Amador and El Dorado counties;N. V. O'Connell is Farm Advisor, UCCE Tulare County;P. A. Phillips is Regional IPM Farm Advisor, retired;P. M. Vossen is Farm Advisor, UCCE Sonoma and Marin counties;R. Bingham is Entomologist, Plant Industry, California Department of Food and Agriculture;R. Price is Agricultural Commissioner, Butte County;
DOI  :  10.3733/ca.v065n01p14
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The olive fruit fly was first detected in Los Angeles in 1998 and in all the olive-growing regions of California soon after. Following its initial detection, UC researchers and Cooperative Extension farm advisors, county agricultural commissioners and the California Department of Food and Agriculture Pest Detection and Emergency Project established a statewide monitoring program to determine the extent of the olive fruit fly's occurrence, track its seasonal biology and evaluate monitoring tools. Fly populations and infestations can reach high levels throughout California but tend to be lower in the San Joaquin Valley. Trap captures typically exhibit a bimodal distribution with peaks in the spring and fall. Olive infestation is related to fly densities, climate and fruit size. Gravid, mated females vary in density throughout the year but are present at some level year-round. The data is being used to develop models that will better predict when the adults are active and olives are at risk.

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