Enhanced Nutritional Quality of Sweet Maize Kernel in Response to Cover Crops and Bio-Fertilizer
Željko Dolijanović1  Biljana Janosevic1  MargaritaS. Dodevska2  Milan Brankov3  Vesna Dragicevic3  Milena Simić3  Milovan Stoiljkovic4 
[1]Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, Zemun, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
[2]Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanović Batut”, Centre for Hygiene and Human Ecology, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
[3]Maize Research Institute “Zemun Polje”, Slobodana Bajica 1, Zemun Polje, 11185 Belgrade, Serbia
[4]Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P.fah 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
关键词: sweet maize;    mineral nutrients;    sugars;    phytic acid;    antioxidants;    bio-availability;   
DOI  :  10.3390/agronomy11050981
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Cover crops (CC) are an important low-input strategy in sustainable agricultural systems. The impact of different CC (common vetch, field pea, winter oats, fodder kale, common vetch + winter oats and field pea + winter oats), organic mulch, control treatment-fallow, and bio-fertilizer (BF) application, on yield and quality of sweet maize kernel was evaluated. CC biomass was higher in mixtures: field pea + winter oats, and common vetch + winter oats, as well as in fodder kale. Kernel yield and its chemical composition varied significantly by CC, BF, year, and their interaction. Organic mulch enhanced the concentration of sugars and glutathione in maize kernel. BF increased kernel yield, the concentration of sugars, vitamin C, Mg, Fe, Zn, and reduced phytate concentration. The highest Mg and Mn concentration in maize kernel was achieved with fodder kale, Zn concentration with common vetch + winter oats + BF, and Fe concentration with winter oats. The same treatments expressed the highest impact on variability in concentration of the phytate, phenolics, and yellow pigment, thus affecting further bio-availability of essential elements. Results indicate that in a semi-arid climate, under rain-fed conditions, CC such as fodder kale and winter oats + common vetch could enhance sweet maize productivity and kernel quality, serving as an important part of a sustainable cropping system, to facilitate food security.
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