BMC Women's Health
The emotional impact of urinary tract infections in women: a qualitative analysis
Guido Schmiemann1  Larissa Grigoryan2  Aruni Mulgirigama3  Marcy Powell4 
[1] Department for Health Services Research, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen;Department of Family and Community Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine;Global Specialty and Primary Care, GlaxoSmithKline;Safety and Medical Governance, GlaxoSmithKline;
关键词: Cost of illness;    Cystitis;    General practice;    Patient preference;    Quality of life;    Treatment failure;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12905-022-01757-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background While many studies address the clinical management of participants with uncomplicated urinary tract infection (uUTI), the emotional impact of uUTIs has been investigated less often. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the emotional experience of women with uUTIs. Methods This was a qualitative, exploratory, in-depth interview-based study conducted among women in the United States (US) and Germany. Women aged ≥ 18 years with at least one uUTI treated with antibiotics in the past year were recruited through a patient community panel and physician referrals. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling to include an equal split of those with 1 or ≥ 2 antibiotics, and an equal split of those treated for a single or recurrent uUTIs (≥ 2 uUTIs in the past year). A structured telephone interview included questions about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and retreatment (if any). Each participant was queried about her emotions and the impact of the uUTI on life activities. Thematic analysis of responses was carried out to identify common themes. Results A total of 65 participants completed the interview, 40 (61.5%) from the US and 25 (38.5%) from Germany. Major themes that emerged from the analyses included (1) a wide range of negative emotions were experienced due to uUTI symptoms, interference with activities of daily life, and effects on relationships and sleep; (2) varied emotions and understanding related to uUTI treatment and management approaches; (3) treatment failure caused frustration, worry, and anger; and (4) the prospect of recurrent uUTIs provoked dread and helplessness. Conclusion Our research uncovered emotions of helplessness and dread experienced by women in the context of uUTI clinical treatment failure and recurrent uUTIs. Knowing patients’ perspectives on UTI management will help guide the development of patient education and improve shared decision-making.

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