Journal of Strategic Security
Made in China 2025: China’s Strategy for Becoming a Global High-Tech Superpower and its Implications for the U.S. Economy, National Security, and Free Trade
Derek Levine1 
[1] City Univeristy of New York;
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.5038/1944-0472.13.3.1833
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article addresses how China’s discriminatory trade practices and illicit means of foreign technology acquisition under its Made in China 2025 plan undermine current international trade orders and pose the greatest threat to its existence. Using both primary and secondary data, this article highlights major implications that Made in China 2025 has on free trade, the overall health of the U.S. economy, and U.S. national security. It proposes a multilateral strategy to preserve the current trade system to steer China on track toward honoring its commitment to free trade and identifies how the United States can maintain supremacy throughout the twenty-first century.

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