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A.S. Pushkin — N.A. Nekrasov: aspects of dialogical poetics
G. Yu. Filippovsky1 
[1]Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
关键词: pushkin;    nekrasov;    the poetics of a large epic form;    eugene onegin;    jack frost;    who lives well in russia;    literary and poetic dialogue;    motives of folk archaism;    sin;    repentance;   
DOI  :  10.24224/2227-1295-2021-3-276-290
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The question of dialogical poetics in the epic texts of A. S. Pushkin and N. A. Nekrasov is considered. Attention is paid to the actual topic of Pushkin’s influences in the epic of Nekrasov. The results of a comparative analysis of the poetics of “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin and the epic poems of Nekrasov are presented. The question of the continuity of the epic poetics of writers is raised, special attention is paid to the originality of this component of their works. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the aspects of the dialogue poetics of the epic texts of Russian classics are considered for the first time. The relevance of the study is due to the need for new views on the relationship between the epic poetics of Pushkin and Nekrasov. The definitions of the categories of immanent and comparative epic poetics of both creators are given. The author dwells on the function of motives in the epic texts of Pushkin and Nekrasov. It has been proven that it was Nekrasov’s epic that made him the real successor of Pushkin’s genius. A classification of the leading features of the epic poetics of the classics is proposed. The review of existing scientific research on the dialogical poetics of Pushkin and Nekrasov is carried out. The author’s development of the epic typology of their texts is presented. The author’s experience of many years of work on the material of the poetic heritage of Pushkin and Nekrasov is described.
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