International Journal Bioautomation
A Modified Method Combined with a Support Vector Machine and Bayesian Algorithms in Biological Information
Ya Li1  Yong-Feng Cui1  Wen-Gang Zhou2 
[2]College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466001, China
关键词: Modified method;    Support vector machine;    Bayesian method;    Biological information;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
With the deep research of genomics and proteomics, the number of new protein sequences has expanded rapidly. With the obvious shortcomings of high cost and low efficiency of the traditional experimental method, the calculation method for protein localization prediction has attracted a lot of attention due to its convenience and low cost. In the machine learning techniques, neural network and support vector machine (SVM) are often used as learning tools. Due to its complete theoretical framework, SVM has been widely applied. In this paper, we make an improvement on the existing machine learning algorithm of the support vector machine algorithm, and a new improved algorithm has been developed, combined with Bayesian algorithms. The proposed algorithm can improve calculation efficiency, and defects of the original algorithm are eliminated. According to the verification, the method has proved to be valid. At the same time, it can reduce calculation time and improve prediction efficiency.
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