Frontiers in Neuroscience
How Our Perception and Confidence Are Altered Using Decision Cues
Bapun Giri1  Tiasha Saha Roy2  Arpita Saha Chowdhury2  Koel Das2  Satyaki Mazumder2 
[1]Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
[2]Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur, India
[3]Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States
关键词: perceptual decision making;    social influence;    computational modeling;    gamma mixture model;    multivariate pattern classification;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fnins.2019.01371
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Understanding how individuals utilize social information while making perceptual decisions and how it affects their decision confidence is crucial in a society. To date, very little has been known about perceptual decision-making in humans and the associated neural mediators under social influence. The present study provides empirical evidence of how individuals are manipulated by others' decisions while performing a face/car identification task. Subjects were significantly influenced by what they perceived as the decisions of other subjects, while the cues, in reality, were manipulated independently from the stimulus. Subjects, in general, tend to increase their decision confidence when their individual decision and the cues coincide, while their confidence decreases when cues conflict with their individual judgments, often leading to reversal of decision. Using a novel statistical model, it was possible to rank subjects based on their propensity to be influenced by cues. This was subsequently corroborated by an analysis of their neural data. Neural time series analysis revealed no significant difference in decision-making using social cues in the early stages, unlike neural expectation studies with predictive cues. Multivariate pattern analysis of neural data alludes to a potential role of the frontal cortex in the later stages of visual processing, which appeared to code the effect of cues on perceptual decision-making. Specifically, the medial frontal cortex seems to play a role in facilitating perceptual decision preceded by conflicting cues.
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